Sunday, October 11, 2009

Learning... 8/10/09

What I've Learned...

Covet the best gifts,
Love who you are but take suggestions for positive change,
Blot out insecurities with self-acceptance.

Always be actively working towards a better you than you were the year, month, week, day, hour, minute, second before...

grateful 8/4/09

"I am grateful that, now I can see, that I am apart of everything, and everything is apart of me. You're amazing..." -India.Arie

For my life, health, happiness, love and the pursuit of these things, and even for all those things I forget to be grateful for ... Thank You

Paralysis ...8/4/2009


Unispired... 7/18/09




Where is my inspiration? Where has it gone?
Is it vacationing? Will it be gone long?
When it leaves me, where does it go?
And when it returns, how will I know?

SEASONS 7/18/09


If it is indeed purposed for us to have only a periodic relationship,
And if our time together is meant to be short-lived,
Let our season be amazing, our heartaches few, and our minds learn to take life as it is.

And if, in time, our season should come back around,
And love should lift our feet from the ground ,
Let our fall from love not be so harsh, and our journey back to Earth not be so hard

Saturday, May 23, 2009

the worst thing

The worst thing ever is having to get over someone when you don't want to, but sometimes it's better to move on and let it hurt for a while and then start fresh... still, that's not what I want to do.


♥My sincerest thanks and appreciation to morning who always rescues me from the darkness of night and marks the clean slate of a new day. You are my reset button and my hero, every morning is a good one...
And to night... though intimidating and frightening your darkness admonishes me to remember how fleeting sunshine is and promotes appreciation for daylight, time spent with you is always filled with lessons learned. You are my reminder and instructor, many thanks for that♥


i'm not sure... you know? sure? it's being finite, being confident, it's knowing. i do not know. i think, quickly and deeply and am comsumed therein. imprisonment? am i trapped? if so, who holds the key? and how long is this sentence that i am serving going to last? solitary confinement. trapped in my own head i see through the window of my eyes the smiles and frowns of those on the outside. i feel their joys and pains. does anyone see me in here? can anyone feel what i feel?

it's like the popular fairytale. she spent her life in the tower, gaurded by the witch. she could see her prince from her window. she watched and understood him and he, from the ground level came to know and understand. but she was locked away, trapped. i wonder if she would have ever gained freedom if she never had the courage it took to risk all and let down her hair. would she have found the courage were it not for the prince's understanding?

is there no one who through understanding can encourage me to let my hair down? who is my prince? though usually a tale of love, i see more. anyone can be the prince. the focus isn't love, it's life. can anyone climb into my tower and help me break free? how then, do i escape? ...if escaping is even what i want... or is it that i hold the key to my own locked cage? am i the heroine of my own fairytale? i am the princess, the witch, and the tower... and yes, i too am the prince.

Monday, April 20, 2009

25 things I Secretly Think Are Magical

1.) Bret Michaels Hair
seriously, enough said
2.) Potatoes
you could eat them differently every day and consider it a different side dish than the day before
3.) Flip Flops
4.) Vaseline/Carmex/Cocoa Butter
no comment. true stories though
5.) New York's eye shadow
I question it
6.) Beyonce's weave
must be magic!
7.) Brian's (day26) braids
there's no way anyones hair could grow any less
8.) Chicken Fingers
who thought of those??
ay may zing
10.)Michael Jackson's socks
11.) Caller Id
best thing that ever happened to phones
12.) My Faves/ Free Nights and Weekends
my heroes, saved my life a FEW times
13.) Text Messaging
best thing that happened to phones since caller id
14.) Kanye's Haircut
lol so my sister said "have you seen kanyes hair, he looks like theo huggstable!" hilarious... but surely the haircut is magical because i like it on him
15.) Oprah
no way she's not magic
16.) Girl with a brown flats
you don't know her but laugh anyways lol
17.) Starbucks
Venti Caramel Frapp extra Caramel Sauce
18.)Old Navy Sweetheart Jeans
immediate upgrade
19.) Will and Jada
theyre still together? 0 scandals!
20.)Madonna's adoption agent
she obviously an unfit mother
21.) Diddys put-downs
they change lives
22.) Dave Chappelle
don't you miss him? the magical part is he's been in like a million movies that you don't recognize until youre watching TNT on a Saturday afternoon.
23.) The Emo Population
you may not understand but I love my emo brethren
24.) The Little Lad (Starburst Berries n Creme)
no one could love berries and creme as much as he!
no matter howmuch I hate it, I can't stop. I take breaks, I deactivate, but I always return... sad

saw him on youtube... you can not resist him, if you havent experienced this, do that! Suh- weet!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Ridiculous You Guys

Today's Phenomenal Faith Foundation for the Fundamentally Ridiculous 'lol' shout out of the day goes to Ridiculous couples... lol at you guys. For all of those sitting at home wondering if you are in a ridiculous relationship and you'd like to know if you're lol worthy, here's how to tell:

If you had thoughts, more thoughts, and second thoughts about your relationship (a result of your not wanting their bf/gf to find out about you guys and/or waiting on them to break up with their bf/gf) lol @ u!

If you've ever used the phrase "he/she's not that bad" not arguing with anyone but re-asssuring yourself about them lol@ u!

If you try not to look at them and you know others do too lol @ u!

If ppl compare you to pinky and the brain or the number ten when you're together lol @ u!

If they havent told anyone about you yet or you just can't seem to mention them to anyone lol @ u! (secret relationships are not ok)

If just can't seem to remember why you like them lol @ u!

If you've broken up more than once today lol @ u!

If you met on celebreality lol lol rotfl @ u!

Lastly, If you see nothing wrong with Christina Milan and the Dream, Nick and Mariah, Kanye and Amber, Branjelina, lol @ u! Maybe you're currently unattached rught now, and maybe you don't feel you fit any of the other examples but as a supporter of ridiculous relationships, you also are lol worthy

Do You Matter?

First of all, I'd like to acknowledge my post, I follow Brian's youthube channel (you should too)... In my daily youtubage I happened to come across the disturbing news that Keri Hilson done gone out and "dissed" Beyonce and Ciara. Obviously she hasn't figured out where exactly her place is yet, lol what was she thinking?

I am, by far, not at all a Beyoncebot fan... or Beemachine as I like to call her. Not that her music isn't great just that I prefer a more raw, less politically correct bunch. [L boogie (lauryn hill), Kanye, Common, India Arie...] That, and somewhere surrounding that little issue Beemachine seems to struggle with about saying she wrote songs that she didn't, I may have lost some love for her. Although I question the honesty of her "character" I always have been the type to respect another woman's hustle and to encourage people to stay in their place. The same goes for Ciara (plus the girl can dance)

That being said, I am inclined to ask, Keri WTF were you thinking? I mean really. Did you really think that somehow your insignificant career would provide you with the muscle necessary to hold you own againce the Beyoncebot? Just because you played third wheel tag along on a little tour, and performed a couple songs with Timbaland (whose own career is in danger if he puts out just one more hip hop/techno album lol) doesn't mean people just gone back you up no matter what. As an artist it is imperative that you realize what things/people are in and out of your league. In other words, stay in your place. I think somewhere in being an opening act Keri must've thought the large crowds of people were actually there to see her raggety tail end perform song that no one knows because she doesn't have an album yet... Hey Keri, opening acts are people who get paid to keep fans busy until the good partg starts. We so did not come to see you at all. What's worse is that since Beyonce is a pop all star and you are an aspiring pop artist, in attacking her your just pushing potential fans away. People that like pop LOVE Beyonce, you should be trying to butter her up because if she doesn't like you her fans won't either- duh! If my logic isn't working for you then just think of this: Beyoncebot could end you. I've been sitting here, straining my mind, trying to remember that 4th member of Destiny's child (not LeToya, she made a comeback... sorta) and can not remember her to save my life... That could be you.

In light of Keri Hilson's mistake I'd like to make an impromptu lol shout of the day on behalf of The Phenomenal Faith Foundation for the Fundamentally Ridiculous for all of those who haven't quite figured out that they do not matter... lol @ u guys.

If you leave for over an hour and no one notices, you don't matter

If you have their number and they don't have/want your, you don't matter

If people seem to always be struggling to "put a name with a face" when they see you, you don't matter

If you have beef with someone that wasn't even there when it started and had find out about it from someone else, you don't matter

If you decided to date Bret Michaels or Flava Flav, and it wasn't secret, you don't matter

If you're sitting at home thinking "who is she to say who does and does not matter?", you don't matter. Never have, never will... mind your own unimportant business you insignificant raggety mofo

If you aren't sure if you matter, you may not matter

If you constantly comment on others' lives with sentences that start like, "uh uh, if i was you i would...", you don't matter. Get a life you backseat driving bum

Saturday, March 28, 2009


phreshdressedness- the amount of phreshness occuring from the awesomeness of ones attire, deriving directly from the level of effortlessness necessary to impeccably clothe and primp oneself in preparation for the duties of the day.

To be phreshdressed, Getting phreshdressed, Having phreshdressedness, ANT raggety, of poor quality, unattractive, ungroomed be phreshdressed,


I sat at home, in front of my PC (that's right I'm a PC America) as I sometimes do. I logged on to my myspace account, sounds typical right? I thought so too. Then, I saw it, a picture of her. A twenty-something girl (who shall remain nameless... for now) standing there in a gross outfit that included a sweatshirt, t shirt, and tennis shoes all the same color- completely under-dressed for her age, with the caption, "I'm so Flyy". Although I was immediately disgusted and upset all I could do is laugh. Yes, lol at her! What were you thinking? YOU BUM! It seems absolutely ridiculous that someone who is almost thirty could fail to realize the necessity of being well- dressed. There is no way and no one who could explain to me when and how this pic and caption could be considered anything less than tacky.

My next step was calling Teej, my conspiracy guru, and as we conversed I realized, Although I could sit back and do nothing,it's up to me to do my part to make the world a better place so I decided to start a foundation. I call it THE PHENOMENAL FAITH FOUNDATION FOR THE FUNDAMENTALLY RIDICULOUS- we're here to help. The plan is to offer help and restoration for the ridiculous souls looking for help... I'm gonna start slow with 'lol shout out of the day' and 'PSA' to end a helping hand, maybe one day upon seeing someone ridiculous you can point them in the direction of an office near them for assistance.


The Phenomenal Faith Foundation for the Fundamentally Ridiculous 'lol' shot out of the day goes to: Everyone out there (21+) that belives they've actually put an outfit together that includes a hoodie, shoes, and t shirt the same color. That is THE anti- phreshdress decision! LOL at you guys! (see phreshdressedness)

Lets just make it a an if then statement: IF you have on a blue shirt, blue jacket, and blue tennis shoes THEN you are not phresh so stop saying you are! YOU are soo "dressed down" right now, what you are wearing is classified as what we in the well- dressed population call a slum-fit.

Try this, remove the hoodie and add a grown up jacket like a trench, peacoat, or leather jacket. Replace that shirt with a basic black, white, or neutral colored shirt... now those shoes make a splash and you look less ridiculous.

Monday, March 2, 2009

"The Book"

It's time folks! .... took a long time too but, alas, I'm ready to for real get this blog show on the road. What may have caused me to change my lazy ways? Facebook. (and its amazing drama).

First things first, before I can even get into the amazingly dramatical [(c) Flava Flav] story that pushed me into sharing tales of my life with you all (btw you're welcome for that), there are a few things that I feel about "The Book" that need to be confessed. Numero Uno, If you are in your 30s and you are STILL on facebook, and you are no longer in school, it's time to change your life. I am 19 and very tired of having to deny friend requests of you spooky do nothings. I can't help but wonder how it is that you are not way too busy to spend your days lazing about online, conversing with your 15 year old friends. This brngs me to my next point, who's decision was it to allow these toddlers to get on the book? Who ruined everything for all of us? There was a time when I could just approve a request blindly, knowing that the person whom I was approving would not cause me to regret my decision but here we are. Everytime I turn around these little piss ants are requesting me and I find myself becoming quite the investigator, I have to find out a few things before confirming a request, "Did/will this person graduate high school before 2010? (which is a stretch)" "Was this person born before 1979?" "Is this a creeper?" "Is this a promoter?" "Can this person spell?", I know that one seems crazy but ther is nothing more annoying than those random people that have the oustanding ability to completely misspell their entire status. Speaking of statuses, I have an ought with those as well.
I hate when: People use all kinds of S+uPiD 5y^^b0Ls.., FOR WHAT? Get a job and a hobby please. I'd feel much better if you had something better to do than to figure out the best way to say that you are doing absolutely nothing using the least amount of letters possible.
People who decide to update us on the status of their ridiculous relaitonships. i.e. "Susie Johnsboo Brown is back in love" or " glad we aint together no more", "...can't believe he cheated with that hoe, me and my cousins will be kickin dat @** tuesday"... Hey Rat! We don't care about your raggety relationships issues! Never have cared! All your doing is providing the rest of us with more reason to be disgusted with you and your unimportant 'boo'.

These are only few of my problems with the state of the book. It's a love/hate relationship. lol. Which brings me back to initial issue, my reason I'm hiding out from the book right now... It all started a year ago, yes an entire year. So, last year I met my good friend (we'll call him Dubbs) and began to spend about half of my free-tme with him and my best friend Teej. Dubbs, who I've found to be completely hostile like most east coast guys are, has a young woman who, for the purpose of anonimity we'll just call soandso (plus idk her name). Anywho, she's he's biggest fan (shot out to soandso lol) and since we spent so much time kickin' it last year, she's taken to disliking me. I know, crazy right? So, apparently she wants him to be her booskee again and he in response just completely ignores her texts and calls, it's cus he's ridiculous, anyways, somehow in our many excursions she's come to find out who I am, an not only that, she's had one of her friends request me as a friend on the book, and me seeing she was from OSU didn't research her thinking she was safe. Sound crazy yet? Well, the fun hasn't began. She began stalking my page and sending him messages about me. Yes! She has so little to do that she was willing to jump through these hoops to get him back... btw he's not that great lol seriously.
Though I found soandso disturbing, what really disgusted me was that the most hostile man I know 'opt'ed not to attack her because he feels "bad" for her. That's right, this guy was comfortable telling me he wasn't going to say anything to her because he pitied her desparation and didn't want to hurt her. At first I had the femme reaction, "WHAT? HURT HER??" Then I had the "phenomenal response", laughter. How sad is it if an angry guy won't attack you of of pity?

Yeah soandso, it's time for you to change your life, you've caused me to temporarily allow my relationship with the book to be suspended.... You know what's weird though, I'm not really upset about it, I know, it suprised me too...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

India. Arie New Album

India . Arie Testimony Vol. 2 Love & Politics...

I've waited and waited since the last album for this album to drop and OMG it was so worth the wait. There is just something so amazing about musicians who make just honest music. Listening becomes meditation. It is so far above all of the music we hear on a daily basis, the honesty and rawness in her voice causes you to actually close you eyes and listen closely to what it is that she is saying. Her message is always conveyed. Its ridiculous how little recognition artists of her caliber recieve, it is simply amazing the pieces that we hear everywhere we go without ever happening upon real music such as this. So much music to dance to with no educational, political, or artistic value, which is said not to knock the "hustle" of the musicians who make dance groves, but to promote the powerful songs that offer actual words of wisdom and advice for those of us who get stuck sometimes and need a little help (plus i've been known to shake a tail feather or two to a few of ms. arie's tunes). If you have not experienced her amazing musical talent please do support her it's worth your time and money... it's so much more than music.


This morning, I woke up and had something on my mind, so I wrote it down... consider this:

"Daily you see those with eyes permanently stained with tears but look past them because if you were to stare into them long enough, you would find the reflection of a memory you srtive hard not to show in your own eyes. We are all imprisoned emotionally, jailed in faux happiness, dying from the inside out. Break free, feel."

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Fading Grey

I see the world in technicolor. Filled with bright yellows, radiant oranges, the most vibrant of reds, royal of blues, and deep of purples. I am black and white, slowly fading to grey. When the morning awkens me I look in a mirror at all of the color behind me, then at myself staring back like a blemish. One dark mark on a gorgeous, colorful, silk garment. It never bothered me before that I was black and white in a world full of color for these extremities include all color. I felt that I was a representation of all color, and at the same time a vast contrast to the rest of the world, always recognizable, always different. I was unlike anyone else, not a shade of red or blue. I was all or nothing. Then, one day, awkened by sunlight I arose and ritualistically looked into the mirror and could see my black and white self fading at the seams. Where there once existed harsh lines between the light and dark areas that made me, I now included shades of grey. Perplexed by my plight I went ahead with my day, only slighty melancholy. I pretended I did not see myself fading and continued for weeks as best I could. It was not long before I reached a point at which I could no longer ignore my fading self and decided to sit alone thinking until I found either a reason and solution, or strength and acceptance. No sooner than I began thinking did I realize that maybe I was fading as a result of the "usual". I had been doing the same thing daily, I looked for nothing new, I expected everything to be the same as it was before. I was a prisoner of the "usual", trapped in day to day rituals. Hope, goals, and dreams had become a scarcity and so, surrounded by color,I stood, black and white- fading grey.

I Remember...

I remember...The days when companies used terms like "the other guys" when advertising their products. Somehow within the last few years things have gotten pretty gully, mcdonalds vs burger king vs wendys, advil vs tylenol, every brand for itself! I was immediately disturbed by Advil’s decision to attack Tylenol pm. I use Tylenol and its not that bad. I felt attacked like Advil was pretty much saying "hey you’re stupid if you don’t use our brand". I mean even car insurance companies are just calling each other out. I just watched allstate try to get at geico... now geico has to retaliate or they’re going out like punks.... what is the world coming to?? Why so cut-throat?? At the rate we’re going aunt jemima is gonna be wrestling mrs butterworth next week, and toucan sam will be taking pecks at cap’n crunch!

The days when you could sit back and watch a good old American game of cat n mouse on a monday morning. Where are all of the ’chase’ shows I used to watch. (Every once in a while a girl just wants to watch a bird blow up a coyote, or a mouse drop a piano on a cat)I love japanimation as much as the next person, I swear I do (some of the best art I’ve seen) but just when did japan invade cartoon network? Tom and Jerry, the Smurfs, Looney Tunes? Come on you can’t deny those were good days. Waking up, eating cereal, singing along: Josie and the Pussy Cats, long tails and ears for hats, guitars and all of that... ahhh, good times! I’m just saying can we get an even blend? The only good cartoons come "after hours" (OMG adult swim is the best) none involving good clean fun before eleven, what am I supposed to do in the morning?? I mean I would not at all be opposed to Family Guy and Boondocks coming on first thing in the morning but we all know the chances of this happening are slim.Pre-Dora days. OMG I missem! I have tried to watch Dora the Explorer, I really have but it’s hard for me. Just imagine with me for a second... you are asleep finally when suddenly you hear SALTA! SALTA! COME ON SAY IT! LOUDER! I for one was immediately outraged! Who does she think she is? (You are sooo not the boss of me Dora!) Ummmm I’m pretty sure she’s like seven, I don’t take orders from some random child wandering the jungle with a monkey who wears boots?! And how sure are we that Dora isn’t on something?? Here she is talking to a monkey (which wouldn’t be so bad except for the fact that the monkey talks back), getting directions from her talking map, which she stores in her talking book bag... sounds like an acid trip, and people lets face it, only a druggie would stare a fox in the face and not be afraid. (Swiper can swipe whatever he wants as long as he’s got those chompers)

Days before the reign of reality televison. Ok I have two issues with "reality" tv. 1) It is rarely ever real. In what world does six random people live in a gorgeous, rent-free house and are handed nice jobs no strings attached? Oh yeah not to mention the cameras, I don’t find camera crews and producers "real" at all. (At no point have I gone into the kitchen for a glass of juice to find a drunk woman asleep on the floor and ten guys with cameras standing around) Maybe they should be called What People Do On Camera In Random Awkward Situations tv shows instead. 2) There are WAY too many. I mean I am not even slighlty interested in what goes .. hours" at a senior citizens home, or the fast-paced life of a cashier at the McDonalds drive thru. Its gotta end somewhere folks! What about all of the up and coming creative minds? At the rate we’re going there will be no place for writers, no room fot creativity on televsion.

Professional news and newscasters. What did I miss?? How long have the newscasters been able to wear whatever they want. I turn on the news and see Andrea Camburn wearing hoop earrings and a shirt that flashed quite a bit of her goodies. I thought it was just Andrea but then I noticed Yolanda (remember her from the fox kids days?) wearing a regular green shirt, ummm come on Yolanda! We can’t even get a button -up out of you? Then there’s the fact that they seem to make fun of the news these days. A mother of three accidentally sets her house on fire, they entitled the segment Hot Mama. (I don’t want to laugh but its kinda funny I must admit) Or they’ll say "Deadly car crash...did everyone survive? Find out after these messages." This isn’t American Idol and you aren’t Ryan Seacrest. This is a frickin life or death story soooo not the time to play guessing games!! Oh and I can’t mention the news without stating how pissed I am each and every time I see Lindsay or Brittney on the news. It is not a national crisis when an alcoholic gets drunk... again, or a slut has sex... again. So what if Lindsay crashes her car, I know a guy who crashed his mothers’ car when we were like twelve he certainly did not make the news (and he probably should’ve because the next time we saw him his arm was broken and his mother was strangely calm... I think she did it) What really kills me is how important news will flash across the top of the screen that the world should probably know about. I came home one day last year, turned on a little CNN in attempt to become more informed about the acutal state of our union, only to find news of Anna Nicole’s death. While it was a sad situation I am not sure it should have been on CNN while information about the war and gas prices filed across the bottom of the screen in like 10 pt font.

I miss Pre "law-tv" days. There used to be one or two shows that would be on air at a time, usually on a Sunday night so you can imagine my suprise when I fell alseep watching Family guy on Friday evening and woke up to some kind of crime fighters show. (Don’t punish me because I have nothing to do on a Friday night, sorry I had no plans people it isn’t my fault) I wasn’t upset until I realized that shows were going to keep showing, there must have been at least eight crime fighting, obey the law, mystery solving, who dunnit shows that came on in a row. I know exactly what you’re thinking, "all you had to do was change the channel" I know! I know! The only problem is that these shows give watchers a large dose of pringle fever, once you pop the fun don’t stop.( I mean they wouldn’t be so bad if they weren’t so dag on interesting! I can’t seem to look away) I did not want to watch but I could not stop. It was like prison, I was held captive on an emotional roller coaster, laughing and crying, frightened and interested, scared and outraged all at once.

I love television just as much as the next person but come on folks, things are getting outrageous! I for one remember the good days!


flashing lights

i am phenomenal faith

I have absolutely no idea where to begin so I'll apply a technique an english teacher of mine taught me long ago and will begin at the beginning and end when I'm finished. What?! You got a problem with that?? Good. Moving on... needless to say i am phenomenal faith, that's The Phenomenal Faith- feel free to form opinions right away because I'm destined to change your mind one way or another. Soon you'll find that I'm definitely strange in a [omg that girl's a genius I hope the world realizes before she dies] kind of way.
SO, about me, I am 19, yes- just 19 but that takes nothing from my amazingness. (for those of you who believe that amazingness isn;t a word you're wrong- I made it up a loonng time ago, for those who didn't catch that- obviously you have a lot more learning to do) I do everyhting that I want and only a few things that I don't want, like work. It's weird because I tried my absolute hardest for a year to get a job but couldn't get hired then, I got one and wish I would not have gotten one at all... so is the way of the world. I work a deL!@'s call center which, oddly enough, is where I spend the majority of my time. I'm actually there more often than home. There, I listen to people complain about items they've ordered from our company because they haven't realized the importance of reading terms, conditions, policies, and procedures... I say at least 25 times a day, "Ma'am you can only use one promotion or discount per order" and listen to some forty year old bargain shopper pretend to be shocked when, in reality, every coupon she's ever clipped in her life has only been redeemable alone. I think it's just about selfishness. I mean, if we let every Begging Betty Homemaker use three discounts on her order eventually I'll be out of a job.
Beyond that, I'm an artist. Not the super-cool, I can make anything from anything, spiritual, I work with my hands, type of artist but the, geez I hope I can get good enough to make a super sweet portfolio to get into art school so that I can become one of those super-cool I can make anything from anything, spiritual, I work with my hands type of artists. I also am a writer, the type of writer that wants to be just as amazing if not better than THE Zora Neale Hurston- the best folklorist in history. It's weird because each of my siblings are musicians as along with two of my very close friends and I'm the odd ball, but I think I like it. It just is a reminder that I am very different from everyone else I know which means there is no structure for me, no mold- I'm red paint splashed across a white surface.
It took a long time to get here but one day after a lifetime of being slightly uneasy about it I realized, I can do what I want, then I did and I liked it, and I don't plan to stop ever, not ever. I share everything I want whether I'm asked or not. iamphenomenalfaith, get to know me.