Saturday, May 23, 2009

the worst thing

The worst thing ever is having to get over someone when you don't want to, but sometimes it's better to move on and let it hurt for a while and then start fresh... still, that's not what I want to do.


♥My sincerest thanks and appreciation to morning who always rescues me from the darkness of night and marks the clean slate of a new day. You are my reset button and my hero, every morning is a good one...
And to night... though intimidating and frightening your darkness admonishes me to remember how fleeting sunshine is and promotes appreciation for daylight, time spent with you is always filled with lessons learned. You are my reminder and instructor, many thanks for that♥


i'm not sure... you know? sure? it's being finite, being confident, it's knowing. i do not know. i think, quickly and deeply and am comsumed therein. imprisonment? am i trapped? if so, who holds the key? and how long is this sentence that i am serving going to last? solitary confinement. trapped in my own head i see through the window of my eyes the smiles and frowns of those on the outside. i feel their joys and pains. does anyone see me in here? can anyone feel what i feel?

it's like the popular fairytale. she spent her life in the tower, gaurded by the witch. she could see her prince from her window. she watched and understood him and he, from the ground level came to know and understand. but she was locked away, trapped. i wonder if she would have ever gained freedom if she never had the courage it took to risk all and let down her hair. would she have found the courage were it not for the prince's understanding?

is there no one who through understanding can encourage me to let my hair down? who is my prince? though usually a tale of love, i see more. anyone can be the prince. the focus isn't love, it's life. can anyone climb into my tower and help me break free? how then, do i escape? ...if escaping is even what i want... or is it that i hold the key to my own locked cage? am i the heroine of my own fairytale? i am the princess, the witch, and the tower... and yes, i too am the prince.